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How to Choose Domain Name for your Business?

How to Choose Domain Name for your Business

Choosing a domain name is crucial for your business because you will be known by this name forever. The domain name that you choose should be a smart selection, related to your industry, and must sound good.

There are 100s of guidelines like this and all of them make sense but the problem is the domain that you want either is already taken or costs thousands of bucks or perhaps millions.

There are around 2 billion websites around the world which means 2 billion website addresses. This number is going to go up in the coming times, which gives a narrow window of opportunity for you to choose the perfect domain.

Finding your domain can be complicated and might lead you to many deadends. But, if you follow this article, then you can easily find a dream domain name that can help you get your business online.

Always Try to Find .Com Domain

If you look at the famous brands like Apple, NIKE, Addidas, Samsung, etc. all of these brands use the .Com domains to host their website.

The reason for doing that is credibility and reliability that .Com domain name offers to the brands. This does not have to do with any technology but has to do with psychological behavior.

Over the years, .Com domains have gained popularity and recognition as reliable website domains that it has now become synonymous with a website.

All this feature helps your brand in reaching your customer as well as creating a recognition that can help your business to grow rapidly.

Whenever you are hunting for a domain name, make sure to first find it in the .com domain and if it is not available then you can choose to buy other TLD domains like .in, .io, etc.

Can Also Try Other TLDs

Let’s say the domain that you wanted is already purchased by someone else or the price of the domain name is out of your budget, then you can use other TLDs domain extensions.

What you can do is for the time being use the other TLD domain extension for your website and when you have the funds then you can purchase the .com domain extension.

By the way, other TLDs are not bad at all, it is just the reputation of .com domains that far exceeds other TLDs. You can still do very well if you use other TLDs.

Use Relevant Keywords in your Domain

Having relevant keywords in your domain name saves you a lot of effort in branding your business and establishing connections with your customers. It helps your customers to automatically remind them about your business.

For instance,, you get an instant idea of what the business does and it saves you a lot of time and effort in branding.

The only downside to this is that if in the future you wanted to expand the business operations to other fields like Play station repairs, AC repairs, etc. you could not do that with this brand.

So before making a decision, you should always keep this thing in mind.

Keep it Short

Short domain names are easy to recognize which makes them the favorite type of domain for a brand. For Example-,,, etc. these brands just have a one-word domain name.

This makes it easy for creating a brand image, brand uniqueness, and brand connection that every business wants for their business.

Keep it Unique to your Brand

Brand uniqueness is a tricky thing, you do not want your brand to be a cheap knock-off of something. So keeping your brand elements like logo, domain name, design, etc. unique can help you in building your brand. In today’s day and age, brand image is everything, you cannot go wrong with this.

Negotiate- If Possible

There are two types of domain sellers-one where a marketplace like Nebula’s Domain Name registration sells the domain. The other one is the private individual selling the domain name.

There are a lot of valuable domains which are bought by private individuals just for flipping them. You purchase the domain at lower rates and sell them for higher prices.

You can contact the seller and negotiate a deal or you can seek help from the domain registrar like Godaddy. The registrar will contact the domain seller and help yo strike a deal for the domain. If you have funds and can negotiate then you should do it.

Use Domain Name Generators

Domain name generators are name generator tools that give you a variety of domain name ideas that you use for business.

These names are permutations and combinations of the keywords that you want in your domain name, you can choose any of them.

Here are some of the tools that you can use for generating domain names for your business-

NOTE-Some of the domains that these tools suggest might already be taken. You should therefore, prepare a list of your favorite domains and check each domain with the registrar.


Your Domain name = your brand name, hence, treat it equal if not more important than that. Always try to find the .com domain whenever you can and as a second resort. You can choose other TLD domains like .in, .io, .fr, etc., especially the country-specific domains.

If you want to save your time and effort in finding the domain then you can use Nebula Infotech’s domain registration service by consulting us. We are a website designing company that provides amazing website designs and other web-related services to various businesses.

From finding the best domain for your business to developing your website. We help you with all of them, our experts are dedicated to delivering the best service.

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